Lecturer of Department of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering
Email: tranthanhnam@tdtu.edu.vn
Office: M306
- PhD in Electronics and Telecommunication, Norweigian University of Science and Technology, 2023.
- MSc. in Microsystems, Vestfold University College, Norway, 2009 - 2011
- B. Eng. in Advanced materials, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam, 2003 - 2008.
Professional experience
- 2012 - 2018: Researcher at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- 2016 to now: Lecturer at Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam
Areas of Interest
Optoelectronics, material science, microsystems
A. Journals
[6]. N. T. Tran, S. K. Patra, M. Breivik, K. Haddeland and B.-O. Fimland, Widely tunable Y-junction lasers at 2.34 - 2.39 um wavelength for trace-gas sensing applications, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, no. 20 (2023).
[5]. N. T. Tran, L. T. Vinh, Simulation of Ridge-waveguide AlGaInP/GaInP Multiple-Quantum well diode lasers, Lecture note in Electrical Engineering (2017).
[4]. S. K. Patra, N. T. Tran, L. Vines, and B.-O. Fimland, Dopant incorporation in doped Al0.9Ga0.1As0.06Sb0.94 growth by molecular beam epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth (2017).
[3]. N. T. Tran, S. K. Patra, M. Breivik and B.-O. Fimland, Aluminum-based contacts for GaSb-based diode laser applications, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B (2016).
[2]. N. T. Tran, S. K. Patra, M. Breivik and B.-O. Fimland, Plasma-assisted oxide removal from p-type GaSb for low resistivity ohmic contact, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 33, 061210 (2015).
[1]. A. Larsson, N. T. Tran, K. E. Aasmundtveit and T. M. Seeberg, Encapsulation for smart textile electronics – Humidity and temperature sensor, Studies in health technology and informatics, 211:207-12 (2015).
B. Conferences
[1]. Tran, T. N., Van Yen, N., Van Dung, M., Dung, T. T., & Van Van, H. (2018, October). Insight into Microstructure of Lead Silicate Melts from Molecular Dynamics Simulation. In International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization (pp. 369-375). Springer, Cham.
[2]. Tran, T. N. (2017, December). Simulation of Ridge-Waveguide AlGaInP/GaInP Multiple-Quantum Well Diode Lasers. In International Conference on Advanced Engineering Theory and Applications (pp. 258-263). Springer, Cham.
[3]. Tran, N. T., Breivik, M., Patra, S. K., & Fimland, B. O. (2014, May). High precision AlGaAsSb ridge-waveguide etching by in situ reflectance monitored ICP-RIE. In Semiconductor Lasers and Laser Dynamics VI (Vol. 9134, p. 91342E). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
[4]. N. T. Tran, M. Breivik, S. K. Patra, and B.-O. Fimland, High precision AlGaAsSb ridge-waveguide etching by in situ reflectance monitored ICP-RIE, Proceeding of SPIE (2013).
[5]. N. T. Tran, A. Larsson, E. Andreassen, K. Aasmundtveit, and T. Seeberg, Smart textiles – Encapsulation of sensors, 22nd Micromechanics and Micro systems Europe workshop (2011).
[6]. Huynh, T. P., Hoang, T. T., Nguyen, P. H., Tran, T. N., & Nguyen, T. V. (2009, June). Preparation of TiO 2 thin film using modified doctor-blade method for improvement of dye-sensitized solar cell. In 2009 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) (pp. 002168-002171). IEEE.
[7]. P. T. Huynh, H. P. Nguyen, T. T. Hoang, N. T. Tran, and V. T. Nguyen, Thin film using modified doctor-blade method for improvement of dye-sensitized solar cell, Proceeding of 34th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists (2009).