Lecturer of Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
Email: nguyennhattan@tdtu.edu.vn
Office: M306
- Ph.D. in Telecommunications, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2014 - present.
- M.Sc. in Computer and Telecommunications, University of Science, HCM City, 2010 - 2012.
- B.Eng. in Electronic Physical, University of Science, HCM City, 2004 - 2008.
Professional Experiences
- 2008 - 2012: Employee parttime at BUZZ communications Company, HCM City
- 2013 - now: Lecturer at Ton Duc Thang University, HCM City, Vietnam
Areas of interest
Wireless Communications, Information Theory, Digital Signal Processing, Cooperative Networks, Optimization in communications, Physical Security, Energy Harvesting.
[J18] Tan N. Nguyen, Phuong T. Tran, Phu Tran Tin, T.H.Q.Minh, Duy-Hung Ha, Thanh-Long Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak,"Energy harvesting based two-way full-duplex relaying network over Rician fading environment: performance analysis", Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
(SCIE, IF 0.843, to be appeared)
[J17] Tan N. Nguyen, Phuong T. Tran, T.H.Q.Minh and Miroslav Voznak,"Adaptive Relaying Protocol for Decode and Forward Full-Duplex System over Rician Fading Channel: System Performance Analysis",China Communications.(SCIE, IF 1.514, to be appeared)
[J16] Tan N. Nguyen, T.H.Q.Minh, Phuong T. Tran, Miroslav Voznak, T.T.Duy, Thanh-Long Nguyen and Phu Tran Tin,"Performance Enhancement for Energy Harvesting Based Two-Way Relay Protocols in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks with Partial and Full Relay Selection Methods", Ad hoc networks, Vol.84, pp. 178-187, Mar.2019. (SCIE, IF 3.151)[PDF]
[J15] Tan N. Nguyen, Phu Tran Tin , Duy Hung Ha, Miroslav Voznak, Phuong T. Tran, Minh Tran and Thanh-Long Nguyen,"Hybrid TSR–PSR Alternate Energy Harvesting Relay Network over Rician Fading Channels: Outage Probability and SER Analysis", Sensors, Vol.18, No.11, Art. no. 3839.(SCIE, IF 2.475)[PDF]
[J14] Phu Tran Tin, N.H.K.Nhan, T.H.Q.Minh, Miroslav Voznak, Tan N.Nguyen and Tran Thanh Trang, "Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ phosphor: a novel recommendation for improving the lighting performance of the 7000 K remote-packaging white LEDs ", Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Vol.67, No.4, pp. 337-341, Sep.2018.(SCIE, IF 0.843)[PDF]
[J13] Tan N. Nguyen, Phuong T. Tran and Miroslav Voznak,"Power-splitting-based energy harvesting protocol for wireless powered communication networks with a bidirectional relay", International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol.31, No.13, Sep.2018.(SCIE, IF 1.717)[PDF]
[J12] Tan N. Nguyen, T.H.Q.Minh, Phuong T. Tran and Miroslav Voznak,"Energy Harvesting over Rician Fading Channel: A Performance Analysis for Half-Duplex Bidirectional Sensor Networks under Hardware Impairments", Sensors, Vol.18, No.6, Art. no. 1781, Jun.2018.(SCIE, IF 2.475)[PDF]
[J11] N.H.K.Nhan, T.H.Q.Minh, Tan N.Nguyen, Miroslav Voznak and V. V. Huynh,"Effect Of The Green-Emitting Caf2:Ce3+,Tb3+ Phosphor Particles’ Size On Color Rendering Index And Color Quality Scale Of The In-Cup Packaging Multichip White Leds", Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Vol.13, No.2, pp.345-351, May.2018..(SCIE, IF 0.673)[PDF]
[J10] N.H.K.Nhan, T.H.Q.Minh,V. V. Huynh, Phuong T.Tran, Tan N.Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak , "Improving optical performance of multi-chip white LEDs by bi-layers remote-packaging phosphors", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol.20, No.3-4, pp.93-97, Apr.2018. (SCIE, IF 0.39)[PDF]
[J9] Tan N. Nguyen, T.H.Q.Minh, Phuong T. Tran and Miroslav Voznak,"Adaptive Energy Harvesting Relaying Protocol for Two-Way Half Duplex System Network over Rician Fading Channels", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.2018, 10 pages, Apr.2018. (SCIE, IF 0.869)[PDF]
[J8] Tan N. Nguyen, Phuong T. Tran, T.H.Q.Minh and Miroslav Voznak,"Two-Way Half Duplex Decode and Forward Relaying Network with Hardware Impairment over Rician Fading Channel: System Performance Analysis", Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika,Vol.24, No.2, pp.74-78, Apr.2018.
(SCIE, IF 1.088)[PDF]
[J7] N.H.K.Nhan, T.H.Q.Minh, Tan N.Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak,"Bi-layers Red-emitting Sr2Si5N8: Eu 2+ Phosphor and Yellow-emitting YAG: Ce Phosphor: A New Approach for Improving the Color Rendering Index of the Remote Phosphor Packaging WLEDs",Current Optics and Photonics, Vol.1,No. 6,pp. 613-617,Dec. 2017. (SCIE, IF 0.827)[PDF]
[J6] N.H.K.Nhan, T.H.Q.Minh, Tan N.Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak,,"Red-emitting ca2si5n8eu2+ phosphor: a new recommendation for improving color uniformity and color quality scale of the conformal packaging multi-chip white leds", Journal of Ovonic Research , Vol 13, No.6, pp. 325-331, Nov. 2017.(SCIE, IF 0.618)[PDF]
[J5] Tan N.Nguyen, Phuong T.Tran, Hoang-Sy Nguyen, Dinh-Thuan Do and Miroslav Voznak,"On the Performance of a Wireless Powered Communication System using a helping relay", RadioEngineering, Vol 26, No.3, pp. 860-868, Sep. 2017.(SCIE, IF 1.048)[PDF]
[J4] N.H.K.Nhan, T.H.Q.Minh, Tan N.Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak,"Co-Doping Green-Emitting Caf2:Ce3+, Tb3+ and Yellow Emitting Phosphor Particles for Improving the Cct Deviation and Luminous Efficacy of the In-cup Phosphor Packaging Wleds", Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Vol 12, No.3, pp.891-898,Aug.2017.(SCIE, IF 0.673)[PDF]
[J3] Tan N.Nguyen, Tran Trung Duy, Gia-Thien Luu, Phuong T.Tran and Miroslav Voznak,"Energy Harvesting-based Spectrum Access With Incremental Cooperation, Relay Selection and Hardware
Noises", RadioEngineering, Vol 26, No. 1, pp. 240-250, Apr. 2017. (SCIE, IF 1.048)[PDF]
[J2] Tan N.Nguyen, Tran Trung Duy, Phuong T.Tran and Miroslav Voznak,"Performance Evaluation of User Selection Protocols in Random Networks with Energy Harvesting and Hardware Impairments", Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol 14, No.4, pp.372-377, Dec.2016. (ESCI + SCOPUS)[PDF]
[J1] Tan N.Nguyen, Dinh-Thuan Do, Phuong T.Tran and Miroslav Voznak,"Time Switching for Wireless Communications with Full-Duplex Relaying in Imperfect CSI Condition", KSII Transactions on Internets and Information Systems,Vol 10, No.9, pp.4223-4239, Sep.2016. (SCIE, IF 0.611)[PDF]
[O3] Phuong T.Tran, Tan N.Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak,"Performance Analysis of General Hybrid TSR-PSR Energy Harvesting Protocol for Amplify-and-Forward Half-Duplex Relaying Networks", Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, Vol 2, No.2, pp. 121-130, Jun.2018.[PDF]
[O2] Miroslav Voznak, T.H.Q.Minh and Tan N.Nguyen,"The System Performance of Half-Duplex Relay Network under Effect of Interference Noise", Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation, Vol 2, No.1, pp. 18-29, Mar. 2018.[PDF]
[O1] Phu Tran Tin, T.H.Q.Minh, Tan N.Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak,"System Performance Analysis of Half-Duplex Relay Network over Rician fading channel",Telkomnika,Vol.16,No.1,pp.189-199,Feb. 2018. (SCOPUS)[PDF]
[C7] Tan N.Nguyen, P.T.Tin, Phuong T.Tran, T.H.Q.Minh and Miroslav Voznak,"Power-Splitting Protocol in Power Beacon-assisted Energy Harvesting Full-Duplex Relaying Networks: Performance Analysis", 2018 11th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC).[PDF]
[C6] Tan N.Nguyen, Phuong T.Tran, Miroslav Voznak and Ladislav Behan,"Performance of Time Switching Based Energy Harvesting for Amplify-and-Forward Half-Duplex Relaying with Hardware Impairment", 2017 27th International Conference Radioelektronika, Apr. 2017.[PDF]
[C5] Tan N.Nguyen, Phuong T.Tran, Hoang-Sy Nguyen, Thu-Quyen T.Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak, "On the Performance of Energy Harvesting for Decode-and-Forward Full-Duplex Relay Networks in Imperfect CSI Condition", The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering-Theory and Applications (AETA2016),Vol.415, pp.838-849, Dec.2016.[PDF]
[C4] Tan N.Nguyen, Phuong T.Tran, Huong-Giang Hoang, Hoang-Sy Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak, "On the Performance of Decode-and-Forward Half-Duplex Relaying with Time Switching Based Energy Harvesting in the Condition of Hardware Impairment", The International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology,Vol.538, pp.421-430, Nov.2016.[PDF]
[C3] Hoang-Sy Nguyen, Anh-Hoa Thi Bui, Nhat-Tan Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak,"Opportunistic Multiple Relay Selection Schemes in both Full-Duplex and Half-Duplex Operation for Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks", The International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol.538, pp.431-441, Nov.2016.[[PDF]
[C2] Tan N.Nguyen, Phuong T.Tran and Miroslav Voznak,"A Novel Compressed Sensing Approach to Speech Signal Compression", The 2rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering-Theory and Applications (AETA2015), Vol.371, pp.75-85, Dec.2015.[PDF]
[C1] Tam Nguyen Kieu, Dinh-Thuan Do, Xinh Nguyen Xuan, Tan Nguyen Nhat and Hung Ha Duy, "Wireless Information and Power Transfer for Full Duplex Relaying Networks: Performance Analysis" ,The 2rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering-Theory and Applications (AETA2015), Vol. 371, pp.53-62, Dec.2015.[PDF]