Undergraduate admission to TDTU - 2018


TDTU enrolls students for undergraduate study according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET).

Admission patterns include reviewing:

  • The results of the National University Entrance Exam
  • The results of TDTU’s ability assessment test
  • The academic results in high school (by checking the academic record booklet)
  • TDTU also applied Admission Approval for students who did not take the Entrance Exam (following the regulations of MOET)

Every year TDTU announces the admission plan on our admision website (tuyensinh.tdt.edu.vn). Students who are inerested can visit to find out more information on the target number, majors, enrollment process and applications.

Apart from the usual official training program, TDTU also enrolls learners for high-quality and transnational programs in order to create more opportunities for studying and to meet the expectation of the society.

Contact the admission office:
Phone number: (08) 37 755 051; (08) 37 755 052
Hotline: 093 880 8810
Email: tuvantuyensinh@tdt.edu.vn

Website: http://tuyensinh.tdtu.edu.vn/