Students from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty won the Encouragement Prize at the 25th Euréka Student Scientific Research Contest

On November 26, 2023, the Organizing Committee of the 25th Euréka Student Scientific Research Contest held the closing ceremony and award presentation in Ho Chi Minh City. The team of students Luong Phuc An, Nguyen Binh An, and Do Nguyen Tien Hai, with the topic in the field of Technology Engineering "Robot arm simulating real human hand movement" guided by MSc. Thieu Quang Tri won the Encouragement Prize.

            The project involves constructing a robotic arm model by designing and 3D printing it, based on the structure of a human hand. The robotic arm is controlled by a guide device placed on the human operator’s hand. By placing resistors at the joints, the position of the arm is recorded, processed, and calculated into the rotation angle of the servo, thereby controlling the servo to perform operations similar to the human operator’s hand. The NodeMCU ESP8266 board is used in conjunction with the Arduino Mega 2560 board to take advantage of wireless signal transmission and reception capabilities, as well as strong processing capabilities and many ports for communication with other microcontrollers to expand the project scope.

            To enhance the automation of the model, the robot hand can remember and repeat an operation as required by saving and reading from the EEPROM memory of the Arduino Mega 2560 board and can be controlled via Node-RED and MongoDB. With the advantages of low cost, disassembly, and customization depending on usage requirements, IoT applications to monitor environmental parameters while supporting easy remote control. This robotic arm can be used in various specific industries, helping to ensure labor safety in toxic and dangerous working environments.

            Some pictures of the victorious team:

The group participated in the semi-finals of the competition.
The team presented and answered the council’s counter-questions at the finals
The team practiced with the robotic arm and answered the council’s questions
The team took a commemorative photo at the award ceremony